Meet Louise Mc Cauley, a passionate fitness trainer and creator of the InspireHER food + fitness program. With 15 years experience in the fitness industry, Louise's energy, enthusiasm and knowledge has built her a devoted clientele. 

Louise holds an EQF Level 4 National Qualification in Exercise, Health Studies, and Personal Training from The National Training Center, Dublin, Ireland.

Her food + fitness program has been running successfully ONLINE since 2020 and she has helped hundreds of women get rid of excess weight, tone up, stay in shape and loving themselves again.

Louise is a mother of two and the purpose of the InspireHER program is to help women feel energetic, happy and off-course look their best, better than they did in their 20's.

The InspireHER program will take you to your goals but the work and habits you've built during the program will take you further to keep your results for your entire lifetime. 

The program is for you if you have made a decision to get in the best shape of your life, regardless of your starting position and most importantly if you are ready to make some adjustments to your lifestyle.

Louise has created 250+ recipes that have proven to be delicious AND effective. If you follow the recipes you have no choice but to succeed in your goals.

Her approach is deeply rooted in helping people make better food choices but also in movement. She is passionate about strength training, endurance training and keeping the body as healthy as possible. She's an advocate for individuals lifting weights ... at any age. 

Her training plan ranges from beginner level to advanced level so you have no shortages of options, and no chance for excuses.

Louise is your biggest supporter on your journey to a healthier and happier life.


Glow Up 30 Food + Fitness Program 

STARTS: May 3rd, 2024 for 30 days 

InspireHER Food + Fitness program is one of the most effective weight loss programs in the online space, which has already helped hundreds of women slim down and shape up. The program helps you reach your healthy weight goals in a reasonable amount of time. No short-cuts, everything is done in a sensible and sustainable way. 

The Program includes:

- A ready-made menu for 30 days, consisting of tasty and easy-to-prepare recipes! The meal plans are broken up into weekly parts so that every week you get a new plan with new recipes and it feels more manageable and exciting that way. 

- The average meal preparation time is about 20 minutes and only have to prepare the meals every other day, which saves a lot of time. Breakfasts are usually cooked fresh on the spot as they take no more than 10 minutes to prepare. 

- A variety of healthy recipe ideas that other family members will also appreciate.

- A ready made grocery list for each week to make the shopping trip as fast as possible.  This is one of the most appreciated parts of the program because it saves you time, you avoid buying unnecessary products, thus avoiding unnessary costs and food waste.

- All products used in the menu can be found in regular supermarkets - no need to go to different shops unless you like to shop around or you know there is better quality products in another shop.

- Instructions on how to swap food that you may not like the taste of (from the corresponding food group).

* You will need regular pots and pans, digital kitchen scales, an oven and a blender

 The food + fitness program wouldn't be complete without a mighty training program. Depending on your fitness level, you can choose from:

- Beginner level - 5x 20 minute workouts per week (this includes the warm up and cool down/stretches)

- Intermediate 3x 45 minute workouts per week  (this includes the warm up and cool down/stretches)

- Advanced 5x 45 minute workouts per week  (this includes the warm up and cool down/stretches)

The workouts are done live in full length video format and saved straight after so they are very suitable for women with a busy daily schedule - you can choose the best time to suit you. 

- During the workout you will be reminded about correct exercise technique and breathing patterns. 

You can complete all of the training programs at home. At the beginning you don't need any equipment but as you progress (which will be quicker than you might think) you will need to invest in a resistance band for the thighs and one set of dumbbells. We will discuss this during the program to determine the right weights for you. 

Alternatively, if you are someone who just needs to get out of the house to exercise, you can take my programs into the gym - just grab your AirPods and go.

Sign up for the next group now and become your own success story with InspireHer Food + Fitness Program.

Price: €129 TODAY ONLY !!!

Tomorrow it's back to it's regular and very worthy price of 159 EUR 

!!! PLEASE use the code "30" for your early bird discount !!!! Don't forget it because I cannot make changes thereafter. 

You can view a few CUSTOMER RESULTS and below. This is only a tiny fraction of the results that have been achieved through the program. Photo's are published only with permission. 

Rules of the Program:

In order to achieve the best result, the participant is advised to follow the instructions and tasks that are given in the closed group shortly before the program begins.

- following these instructions (sharing measurement, photos, etc. privately) is recommended to keep on top go your weekly progress and to make sure we are moving in the right direction. Your personal information will never be shared anywhere without your permission. 

Participants must be ready to devote some time to learning new information, exercising, grocery shopping, cooking, as well as independently making the necessary changes to the shopping list (if necessary) and lastly, following the recommendations and instructions posted in the group.

Please note!

- The participation is 4 weeks from May 3rd to May 31st

- Although there are some vegan, vegetarian and pescatarian dishes on the menu, the program itself is NOT suitable for vegetarians, vegans or people with severe allergies to many different products.

- After registration, you MUST PROVIDE ME WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER so that I can add you to our group. You will then be able to read though the starter information and meal plan to get yourself familiar with the program and get the opportunity to ask questions.

-In the case that you register and then decide due to personal reasons you cannot take part in the program, the refund for the service will not be returned. Please be sure you can commit to two weeks.

- Once payment is accepted, it cannot be paused, postponed or transferred to another person.

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Glow Up 30

30 day food and fitness program starts on May 3rd. Use code "30" for 30 euro off

159.00 EUR

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InspireHER Workout Subscription

Five new trainings every week. Join live or watch the replay according to your own schedule. Get the Training Program Today!

50.00 EUR every 4 weeks

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